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Artwork by Melissa Smith-Haimona.

Born Blak is a program that aims to increase representation and create opportunities for First Nations content creators who have been underrepresented in Australian marketing and communications for far too long. 

What makes Born Blak unique is that it’s a long-term commitment to foster, educate, and mentor emerging First Nations content creators, providing them with the skills and connections to increase access to commercial opportunities. 

Above all else, we want to amplify Indigenous voices in mainstream media and help facilitate commercial opportunities for First Nations people – connecting them with Australia’s leading brands. 


Over 4 in 5 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults surveyed agree that the increased representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the media will improve perceptions of Aboriginal and Torres Strat Islander people.

Born Proud

Born Blak Limited is a small not-for-profit organisation that is seeking to advance education and alleviate the disadvantagesfaced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people in Australia.

The company intends it’s initial programs toalleviate disadvantages experienced by first nations people in accessing the funds and education to create digital social mediacontent to further spread their stories to the world. The fund will provide resources to those accepted participants to helptheir personal development in the new and rapidly developing landscape of digital social media.

The fund, not only, aims to level the playing field for the already disadvantaged first nation’s people, but also, will create anenvironment whereby non-first nation people will better understand the rich story and heritage of the land and the peoplethat have inhabited Australia many centuries before.

Our Partners.

The following notable brands and organisations come behind
Born Blak and its purpose to help strengthen, envourage and
develop the Indigenous Creators in our industry

View all partners

This is

We identify, educate and nurture aspiring first nations
digital social media content creators with an emphasis
on Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube and Facebook.

BornBlak 2022 Showreel

Let's Create Together.